Unlimited: No More Barrier
Sep 2, 2024 2872

The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom (Mark 15:38, NIV).
Mark told us that Jesus breathed his last. You might expect a deep spiritual reflection or a pause for contemplation.
But that is not Mark’s way. He was a man of dramatic action.
And Christ’s death was the most dramatic of all actions. That’s why Mark follows immediately with these words, which in their own way point us to the deepest of spiritual truths.
The Gospels tells us that at the conclusion of the traumatic events at the cross, with a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.
Immediately, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom (Mark 15:37-38).
The tearing of the curtain has deep meaning in terms of what is says about the accomplishment of Christ at Calvary for our salvation. However, it has an even more primal meaning.
It was a Jewish practice to tear one’s clothing in moments of deepest calamity and grief. There are many examples of this in the Bible.
It’s difficult not to see the tearing of the curtain in the temple as symbolically indicating the cry of anguish from the Father, as his heart broke.
The torn curtain was a sign of the broken heart of the Father.
The magnitude of God’s love for the world had finally been revealed. This is the love that flowed through Christ for our salvation, and raised him from the dead.
Because of it, whoever believes in him will have eternal life.
– Eliezer Gonzalez
Eli’s Reflection:The torn curtain means that the way is open for you to come before the throne of God. That’s for you too. The way is open. Just come.
Jesus you are too good sir.
Gm My Lord I love you deeply within my heart mind and soul father I sit here before you this morning and thank you for your love that you truly have for me but Lord I thank you this morning and every morning for loving me but blessing me and showing me with your gift of life and love Lord I am so bless and very much thankful for all that you do for me but also and for others that needs you and don't realize that you are with them know matter what they may face because you are the battle within us cause when we're weak at the knees Lord you gives of strength and build us back up so yes father thank you for the Christ that's within me amen.
Jesus I love you with all my Heart. I wish that all people discover the hidden truth of the "loving heart of Jesus Christ"
Foster Dagima
Jun 26, 2021
Thank you Jesus you did it for me.