Good News Australia 1990 Issues

Sep 13, 2014 2285

Jan-Feb Issue

jan_feb_1990 Download PDF [su_spacer size=”20″] Contents:

  • MacGillivray’s Petrel
  • The Cross of Christ by Bishop J.C Ryle
  • Dealing with Doubts by Hannah Whitall Smith
  • The Cross and Its Power by Horathius Bonar
  • The Church and God by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • It is God that Justifieth by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
  • Love, The Motive Power for Service by D.L Moody
  • Paul’s Books by C.H Spurgeon
  • An Interview with Desmond Ford
  • A Tribute to Dr. Martin
  • Of Cars and People
  • Shiend-Kartoe by Flora Mia
April Issue

April_1990 [su_spacer size=”20″] Contents:

  • On Christian Jive Talk
  • Revelation Part Two One Book – So many interpretations by Neville McKenzie
  • What’s Worthwhile?
  • Tarzan Witnessing and The Heebie Jeebies by Neville McKenzie
  • ‘Evangelising Oz’ – Again!
  • Silly Spider by Flora Mia
March 1990

march 1990 [su_spacer size=”10″] Contents:

  • God’s Unbeatable Bargain
  • God’s Love Salvation
  • Revelation Prophecy or Drama? by Neville McKenzie
  • What Does Christ Build Upon That Rock? by fred Mazzaferri
  • Receiving The Spirit by Ron Allen
May 1990

may 1990 [su_spacer size=”20″] Contents:

  • Editorial
  • The Best Medicine Is Love by Desmond Ford
Issue No 11

november 1990 [su_spacer size=”20″] Contents:

  • A Response to the Daniel and Revelation Committee Part 1 by Desmond Ford
  • A Response to the Daniel and Revelation Committee Part 2 by Desmond Ford
  • Good News in Daniel’s Prophecy by Desmond Ford
  • Must Eschatology Be Panic Theology? by Desmond Ford
  • A Book Review by Desmond Ford
 October 1990 Issue

october 1990 [su_spacer size=”20″] Contents:

  • Editorial
  • Not Our Own
  • Accepted In The Beloved by Charles Spurgeon
  • The EMU And The Eagle by Richard Ansoul
  • The Power And The Story
  • Faith’s Companion by Dennis Tedman
  • Belonging To No Man by Ron Allen
  • Kids Kooka by Flora Mia
September 1990

sept 1990 [su_spacer size=”20″] Excerpt:

  • Editorial
  • The Forgiveness of Sins by Roy Gee
  • Interview with a NAM Veteran
  • The Drug Deception by Neville McKenzie
  • Buried Treasure by Ron Allen
  • Many False Prophets Shall Arise
  • Religious News
  • Odds And Ends
  • Fire From Heaven from Flora Collett


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