Daily Good News – A future beyond your wildest dreams with God

Jan 26, 2015 1700

Jesus Christ … whose ancestors were Tamar … Rahab … Ruth … and Uriah’s wife” (Matthew 1:3-6).

Like Jesus, you may not have an honourable ancestry. But while you may have nothing to boast about in your forebears, like Jesus, you are still eligible to be chosen as a child of God. Your past is of little consequence to God because Jesus dealt with that on the Cross; his primary interest is your present and future.

Don’t cling to your past, whether inherited or cultivated, distant or near; give it to God. He says, “I have swept away your offences like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you” (Isaiah 44:22). A future beyond your wildest dreams will be yours if you do as he says.

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