Daily Good News – Confidently Leave Justice to Our Just God
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Mar 31, 2015 1432
Jesus said, “Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night. Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly” (Luke 18:6-8).
Life is often difficult, unfair and sad. Because of the scourge of sin, bad things happen and we don’t always receive the fair treatment we feel we deserve. Remember, however, that the greatest injustice of all is that we are born into a sinful world. God has already solved this problem – at the Cross. Remember that if God delivered nothing but justice, we would all be lost. It is because of God’s love and mercy that we have a way back to him. Your wrongs are covered by Jesus’ rights, his perfection is yours for the taking. Jesus’ sacrifice covers the justice you deserve.
Just as there is a solution for your sins, so Jesus promises justice for everyone because he is not only a just God, but also the God of justice. You don’t need to worry about the injustice that has been done to you or to anyone else, because God will look after it. Pray that others’ injustice will be forgiven as yours has been forgiven.
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