How Deep Are Your Roots In Christ? – by Laura Stewart
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- Laura Stewart
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Jun 17, 2016 3605

I recently saw a photo of my childhood home. The yard was green, the field golden, and the trees in the woods were starting to show signs of life again after a long, cold winter.
In the back yard of that home is a very large, old tree with huge roots that swirl all over the ground. I imagine them going deep into the soil, because the tree is so tall and sturdy. Many times I have seen that tree blow in a ferocious wind; over the years, it has withstood heavy rains and storms, yet each spring, it reliably produces beautiful greenery and fruit.
What a beautiful analogy for how we can live abundant Christian lives!
What a beautiful analogy for how we can live abundant Christian lives! The apostle Paul sums it up like this:
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness (Colossians 2:6-7).
When we take root in Jesus and accept everything he offers, we can weather all storms because he is a sturdy foundation. Life does not necessarily become easier or struggle-free, but the way we are affected by the elements around us can change. We can find immediate rest when we call on Jesus’ name. Jesus says, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matt 11:28). When we become tired in the midst of a difficult time, we can come to Jesus and he will help us get through every tough situation.
When we take root in Jesus and accept everything he offers, we can weather all storms because Jesus is a sturdy foundation.
Taking root in Jesus enables us to grow and become strengthened in faith. Because he continues to prove himself, our faith is ever-growing. It can start small, but it will grow as we keep our focus on him.
There are instances in the Bible when Jesus challenges the faith of those who follow him, such as when he and his disciples were caught in a storm on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus slept, but the disciples were terrified.
And they came to him and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing!” He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm (Matt 8:25-6).
The disciples were found to be of “little faith” because they became terrified of their surroundings easily, even when Jesus was right beside them! They were given countless opportunities to strengthen their faith, but they often slipped into fear and uncertainty. It can be the same for us when we lose our connection to Jesus.
Another example can be found in Matthew 16:7-9, when Jesus had told them to feed the people who had gathered to listen to Jesus.
They began to discuss this among themselves, saying, “He said that because we did not bring any bread.” But Jesus, aware of this, said, “You men of little faith, why do you discuss among yourselves that you have no bread? “Do you not yet understand or remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets full you picked up?
At Jesus’ instruction, the disciples had started to panic. Jesus immediately pointed out that he had shown them before what he was able to do when they had faith in him. The disciples regularly forgot, but Jesus was ever patient with them. He remained faithful so that their faith in him would grow. Similarly, Jesus will always be patient with us, and he will always demonstrate to us that we can trust him, allowing our faith to grow.
If Jesus can use faith the size of a mustard seed to work miracles, imagine what he will do as our faith continues to grow!
When we take root in Jesus, we have cause to overflow with thankfulness. This is a choice that everyone has to make individually. If you choose to live a life of gratitude, you will be like the tree, with fresh, vibrant leaves and sweet fruit hanging from its branches. When we allow God to transform us, he helps us to view life with a renewed mind. He can actually help us be thankful and joyful in areas where it might have seemed impossible before; not only in good times, but even in tough times. The Apostle Paul wrote about the importance of this kind of gratitude and joy in many of his letters.
Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything (Ephesians 5:19).
Of course, as you know, Paul had many reasons not to be joyful and thankful. His circumstances were rough because of the commitment he made to sharing Jesus with the world. He was beaten and jailed, he often went without food, yet he remained thankful. If you allow God to help you in trying moments, you can have this kind of joy as well. You and everyone else around will delight in Jesus because of the thankfulness radiating from you.
Jesus sacrificed his life so we can have a relationship with the Father forever. This can start right now, right here on earth. The choice is ours to accept him. He desires to have us deeply rooted in him, for us to grow strong, and to produce good fruit. We can be transformed, and grow into beautiful, strong, and sturdy Christians. Others will see the work of Jesus in us, and will understand that it is available to them as well.
Are you ready to dig deeper and grow even stronger in your faith?
Laura Stewart
Digital Ministry Manager
Laura Stewart is originally from Indiana, USA, and is currently living in Australia with her husband, Caleb. Laura works as the Digital Ministry Manager for GNU, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Olivet Nazarene University in Illinois, USA. She is passionate about spreading the Gospel message, especially via the relevant and effective platforms of digital media.
Artwork by Gundars Eglentals.

To explore more how you can be deeply rooted in Christ, GNU is currently offering the book Tree of Life to you, as a thank you for gift to help Word Spreads Fast. If you cannot send a gift, we will still be happy to send you the book! Simply contact our office.
Excellent article! This young lady is certainly a talented and gifted writer. It is exciting to "hear" her passion as I read about her faith and her journey with Jesus. May God continue to guide her and provide fully for her every need as she shares the Gospel.
Eliezer Gonzalez
Jun 19, 2016
You are a perceptive man. We agree also :) :)