Unlimited: The Secret of Peace and Joy
Aug 8, 2019 1924
Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. (John 14:1, NIV).
Even in the Christian life, trials and sadness come. Yet, we know God is faithful. He makes a way to bear it. Yes, a Christian suffers.
My own family has suffered. A dear family member has battled cancer for seven years. My son had an accident as a teenager and suffered a head injury. His life has been proven difficult since that time.
I have suffered a stroke, infection, and long hospitalisations. This is everybody’s story. Life is not a picnic. But if you believe in the God of love, you can have peace and joy no matter what.
God will dwell in your heart. God is the great giver. He is closer to you than your own breath. Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God and believe also in Jesus.
These things are written so that you know that you have eternal life. Read the Bible with faith, hope, and love. You can know that you are complete in Christ. Full of love, mercy, selflessness. He will never leave or forsake you. He comes after the one who has gone astray. He didn’t come to call the righteous. There aren’t any.
Live for Jesus. That is the secret to peace and joy.
– Des Ford (adapted from The Secret of Peace and Joy)
Eli’s Reflection: Are you suffering today? Ask Jesus to draw near. He is closer than your breath. He is your peace. He is your joy. Seek Him.
Wonderful words!
Aug 15, 2019
Merci pour ce message qui donne la joie et la paix. Je prie que Dieu vous bénisse abondamment.