Unlimited: God Delights in Forgiveness

Oct 4, 2019 2280

If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? (Psalm 130:3, NKJV).

What can be said to grieving Christians who have a question about the eternal destiny of a loved one? We cannot comprehend all the purposes and all the knowledge of God, and all His plans.

We have a loving Saviour who came to seek and save the lost. God’s mercy is infinite. When we lose a loved one, we look at their life, and sometimes the bad stands out.

However, unless what Psalm 130:3 says about God is true, we’re all done for. Who can stand against the judgement of God? Of course, the good news of that text is that it is saying that God delights in forgiveness.

Jesus tells us that we are to forgive seventy times seven. What that tells us about God is more encouraging than what it tells us about our duty. It tells us that God forgives infinitely if we seek his forgiveness.

We are forbidden in Scripture to judge the hearts of men, because we cannot know their motives (1 Corinthians 4:5). We shouldn’t be dogmatic about how it’s going to turn out for others in eternity.

Only God knows. The salvation of many is going to be an absolute surprise to all of the rest of the saved.

– Des Ford (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection:Think of someone close to you whom you desperately hope will be in heaven, but you fear might not be. Why not be at peace and trust in God’s love and mercy that are beyond your greatest imaginings?

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Souhir Rekik

Oct 7, 2019

I think about my father who is dead without knowing Jesus because he was born as Muslim despite the fact that he was not convinced of the rituals of this religion and was not practicing, and I hope meeting him in heaven.


Oct 4, 2019

Indeed God is a forgiving God, so we as Christian and followers of Christ should also forgive. Dear Lord I pray that you give me the heart of forgiveness.

Obioma Samuel

Oct 4, 2019

God our loving father indeed is forgiving. HE has lifted the burden of guilt off our lives. HE indeed had given us a clean bill. It is important to realize this and partake of HIS unlimited mercy.


Oct 4, 2019

The Thief on the cross ✝️ was promised Paradise. Christ encourages you to forgive 70x70. Very important. Amen ?

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