Why the Gospel Still Matters
Dec 14, 2020 2420

The Gospel still matters, because without it, everything else ends up being bad news.
But the Gospel is always Good News! It’s the best news ever! That’s why I am always amazed at how few people really know what it actually is.
Politics is bad news. Politicians always seems to let us down. All politics seems to do is to divide us. That’s bad news.
Having a seemingly good community to belong to and to give you your identity can be nice, but too often you discover that the community is not all it seems to be. That’s bad news.
Having rules for how to live is can seem helpful, but eventually they lead to despair when you realise that you always fall short. That’s bad news.
Having great principles for personal development is always helpful, but they too often remind you that you never seem to develop yourself enough. That’s bad news.
The Gospel still matters, because without it, everything else ends up being bad news.
Feeling good is nice, but it usually doesn’t last. Even worse, it’s often followed by a hard fall. That’s bad news.
All of these things can be good, but they’re not the Gospel.
The Gospel is the announcement that because of God’s great saving act through Jesus at Calvary, we are fully forgiven, credited with the righteousness of Jesus, and accepted before God. The Gospel is that we receive eternal life as a gift from God. These things happen the moment we believe.
As a result of the Gospel we have peace, hope, and a solid foundation for our identity. Today, the world needs the Gospel more than ever.
We live in a world that has less peace than ever before. There is trouble within our minds, trouble within our communities, and trouble among the nations.
We live in a world that has less hope than ever before. For most, they are born, they live in hopelessness, and then they die. During their lives, they may try a myriad ways of masking and soothing the hopelessness, but in the end, what is the point of it all? Deep within us, we are all desperate to discover who we are and our place in the world. Yet at the societal level, we have given up the search for peace and hope and identity as hopeless. So, hardly anyone talks about these things anymore.
The Gospel reminds us that we have been rescued because we are loved.
Because, how can there be peace, hope, and meaning, if we are all descended, and are made up of, the mindless clash of atoms? In our great intelligence we have dismantled the answers of the past, and replaced them with hopelessness. There is no God but whatever you want God to be, there is no truth but whatever you prefer to say it is, and there is no purpose except for the self in the here and now.
The Gospel reminds us that there is a way out for humanity, and it’s not due to our knowledge or science or technology or by anything we’ve done. We have been rescued, because we are loved. You have been loved. Contrary to what the society tells you, you can know where you’ve come from, who you are, and where you are going. It’s all due to Christ’s mighty saving act at Calvary, where the Son of God loved you and gave his life to ransom yours. Because of it, you have a firm foundation for your identity that no-one can ever take away. You are a child of God and you have eternal life by his grace.
That’s what matters most. That’s the Gospel, and it’s as much good news today as it was when Jesus burst through the doors of death and came out of the tomb!
John 3: 16 I am the way and the truth and life, no one goes to the father accept by me.. ONLY JESUS CHRIST ALONE..NO OTHER WAY
John 8:14 "I know where I came from and where I am going...". Our new sense of identity is a gift from our Elder Brother and Friend , Jesus!!!
Tony berrigan
Dec 20, 2020
Rescued from the kingdom of darkness and translated into the kingdom of His dear son. For what manner of love is this, that we should be called the very children of God. Thankyou thankyou thankyou Lord