Because of the Blood of Christ, We Are One With GNU! – Working with Christian Churches in Rwanda

Dec 27, 2015 1628

Jesus only book to all

The members of a Seventh-day Baptist Church receiving the book ‘Jesus Only.’

A few weeks ago I received an excited letter from Emma Uwingabire, the dynamic presenter of the Jesus Only radio broadcast in Rwanda. She had yet another reason to praise the Lord for the way he is leading the Gospel work in Rwanda.

Emma had been researching how to register a religious organisation in Rwanda, and while searching the Internet for information, she came across a list of all the churches and ministries currently registered in Rwanda.

Jesus only is our revealed treasure sermon

Evangelist Emma preaching on the topic… “Jesus Only is our Revealed Treasure” at the Seventh-day Baptist Church.

When she saw a reference to the Seventh-day Baptists, she felt moved to find out more about them.

Let’s hear directly from Emma:

They replied to my email with a great joy. I introduced to them the Jesus Only radio program, and I send to them the audios, and they started following the Jesus Only Radio program each Wednesday.

The man who represented the Seventh-day Baptist church was very grateful for the GNU messages. He then invited me to Musanze on 28 and 29th November to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. I was very happy to go, and I took with me Jesus Only books. The people in Nyamutera village were so excited to receive the message of YESU WENYINE (Jesus Only).

They sent greetings and many blessings to GNU. They asked me to pass on this message on to you: “Because of the blood of Jesus Christ We are one with GNU. Praise God!

They have 31 churches in the whole country, and they want me to visit them again and again, and they need more Jesus Only books if possible. I am so glad to be able to work with this Christian church to help spread the Word of the Gospel further.

greetings after the service-2

Evangelist Emma greeting the members of the church after the message.

I thank GNU: you are the reason I live out God’s purpose for my life – to share the Gospel. I thank God for making this trip possible. May God bless you all. 

– Written by Eliezer Gonzalez based on a report from Emma Uwingabire



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