Christ is Your Life
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- Salvation
Sep 1, 2015 1473
Therefore, if you were raised with Christ, look for the things that are above where Christ is sitting at God’s right side. Think about the things above and not things on earth. You died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory (Colossians 3:1-4).
Spend some time today dwelling on these powerful verses and what they mean to you as a believer. You died with Christ, were raised with him, your life is hidden with him, and he is sitting at God’s right hand which means that his work for you is finished—nothing need be or ever could be added to his complete redemption. You are called to accept it, live in the joy and freedom from bondage that it provides, and shed forth his love to all people. In comparison to all of the highly complicated theological dissertations and other human inventions being shed abroad today the gospel as taught by the Bible writers is so very simple and too wonderful for any words to ever express.
The point that I want to emphasize is that CHRIST IS YOUR LIFE and to fully benefit from his work your life needs to be intertwined with his. All of the New Testament writers expound this theme using a wide variety of expressions and metaphors. Don’t sell yourself short of the unsearchable riches that are your heritage in Christ Jesus. Esau sold his heritage for a mess of pottage and many people today are essentially doing the same thing by either rejecting or neglecting the great salvation that is freely bestowed upon us (see Hebrews 2:3). How our Lord must be grieved at our all too often lukewarm response to what he has done, is currently doing, and the joyful hope we have of spending eternity with him and with the saints of all ages. This is indeed “the blessed hope” that we have as Christian believers (see Titus 2:13).
(Tom Durst)
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