Devotional 120

Aug 18, 2014 2074

You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing” (Psalm 16:2).

By no amount of ignorance or denial can anyone successfully conceal from themselves that there is unpleasantness, pain, suffering and grief in the world. Despite this glaringly obvious fact, another truth stares us in the face. There is goodness in the world, and that, in abundance.   If there was absolutely nothing at all to enjoy, to delight in, faith would never get a look-in.  But since goodness cannot be denied any more than evil, we are obliged to bet our existence on either one or the other.  The Palmist, with eyes of faith, sees beyond the pleasures with which his life is sprinkled—to a supreme being, a benevolent disposer who generously distributes good gifts.

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