Drawn Out of Deep Waters

Oct 11, 2019 2629

Radio Version:

Drawn Out of Deep Waters

When I was a teenager, I was with some friends at a place where the waves of the sea pounded into a large, dark cave.

To our horror, one of my friends fell into the water at the mouth of the cave, and a wave was coming soon. But my friend didn’t resurface. Then another of my friends knelt down and thrust his arm deep into the water, and then suddenly a hand appeared, clutching his, and quickly he was pulled to safety.

The hand that was thrust down for him was just at the right time.

In the same way, Christ died for you at just the right time.

The Cross was the hand of God that was thrust into the murky waters of this world to take hold of us in our helplessness. Will you grasp it with your own hand of faith?

Remember: The hand of Jesus is still extended to you right now.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Drawn Out of Deep Waters

The hand of Jesus is still extended to you right now.

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