Evangelism in the Park Transforms Lives – Nanyuki Kenya

Oct 21, 2016 1706


People gather stand around the stage to hear the Good News.

For three days, in the heart of Nanyuki, Kenya, people gathered to hear about Jesus. There, at the Grace Revolution Crusade, held at Nanyuki Central Park, thirteen people gave their lives to Christ.

The GNU sponsored programme, conducted jointly with the Africa Inland Church, attracted both non-believers and believers. On the park’s grassy carpet people gathered around the stage, hearing the message of grace preached. Most people stood, while the elderly listeners sat under the shade of tents pitched close to the stage.

Now that I have joy and peace, I think this is how the Good News makes one feel.

During the planning of the programme, various people had expressed concern over having it in the park, without shelters, as the rainy season increased the probability of being rained out. But in faith they proceeded to run the programme there, and for those three days the skies were clear. Because of the location, homeless people living on the streets of Nanyuki and in the park were also able to hear the Gospel, some of them accepting Jesus into their lives.

The programme was advertised through invitations and posters around town. People became curious, and even the county governor was pleased that GNU had chosen his town for the programme, and was very supportive of the meeting. While the programme was on, local church members walked through the town streets, inviting people to come to the programme and hear the message that has the power to change their lives.

The Grace Revolution Crusade run by GNU and the church has saved my entire life.


GNU’s Pr Bonifresh (R) shares the Good News about Jesus!

Many people who were working at the shops across the street from the park, and therefore were unable to attend, could still hear the programme through the portable loudspeakers beside the stage. The voices of preachers describing God’s love, as well as the sound of singing, could be heard coming from the centre of town. Over the course of the weekend, several preachers shared the Good News, including GNU’s East Africa representative Pr Bonifresh.

At the end of the three days, seven people walked to the front to give their lives to Jesus, and in total thirteen people accepted the gift of salvation as a result of the programme. Believers who came to support the programme and grow in their faith, also walked away encouraged and uplifted. Some of them gained a new understanding of the Gospel of grace. Those that attended the programme received a copy of GNU’s books Tree of Life and Managing Stress, provided by GNU.

James, who discovered God’s grace at the meeting, says,

I have found the true Good News at GNU’s Grace Revolution Crusade. Now that I have joy and peace, I think this is how the Good News makes one feel; and I’m confident in my salvation through Jesus Christ.

Phineas, a homeless man who found Jesus at the meeting, says,

I thank God for the Grace Revolution Crusade run by GNU and the church. It saved my entire life.

– Ella Rodionoff

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