
Nov 17, 2015 2917

If we have been united with him in his death, we will certainly be united with him in his resurrection for we know that our old self was crucified with him that we should no longer be slaves to sin because anyone who has died has been freed from sin. (Romans 6:5-7).

When we were baptised we signified that we had died with Christ and that our old nature had been buried with him.

But had it really been buried? Yes, by faith it had been buried. That was our decision when we were plunged beneath the surface of the waters of baptism.
Our old nature, however, doesn’t give up that easily and fights to stay alive.

When that happens we have to reassert our decision to bury our old self with Christ and to leave him there in the grave. If you let your old self continue to have a say in what you do he will end up enslaving you, mark my words. Your old nature won’t pussyfoot with you, it will bind you with unbreakable thongs and systematically destroy you. I’ve seen it many times. So what is the solution?

The solution lies in the fact that you weren’t only buried with Jesus, you were also raised to a new life with him. So focus on the new life that you have in Jesus. The operative words are “in Jesus.” If you are in Jesus his presence with you will give you the victory over the demands of your old nature.

One helpful hint on how to live a resurrected life is to practice the presence of Jesus: visualise the Lord at your side wherever you are; walk with him and talk with him. Pray, Lead me away from temptation and deliver me from evil.” And mean it. Really mean it! It’s a prayer he loves to answer.

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