When the Money Runs Out, God Steps In! – Andhra Pradesh
Feb 1, 2016 1505

Children leading out in prayer in the “shed.”
The Gospel building programme in Andhra Pradesh continues to follow God’s leading, and he provides unexpected solutions to the challenges faced.
“The Good News Care Centre has been growing well,” writes Pastor Joseph, “and the Gospel is reaching more Hindu families who have never heard about Jesus Christ. But there is much more to be done. Even people living close to our Good News Centre still need to hear the gospel.”

Children leading out in worship music in the temporary accommodation.
In spite of the challenges, there is weekly progress here. People who live in this village and in the outlying areas have all heard about the Good News Centre. They know how the children and elderly people of the community have benefited from this programme. They have watched as the foundations of the new building have been laid. Pastor Joseph reminds us that the building is a work in progress. Funds arrive as generous people are led by the Holy Spirit to give to this project. Right now, the building work is stalled, but the work of spreading the Gospel never slows.
Thanks to encouragement and help from the village elders, Pastor Joseph has purchased a shed attached to the land where the Good News Centre is being built. This was originally built as a shop, and the plan is that the shed will be demolished once the Care Centre is completed. Once again, Pastor Joseph finds God’s hand guiding him. They had no longer been able to use the premises previously rented for the Good News Children’s Centre, and construction on the new building has stopped due to lack of funds, so there was nowhere for the children’s centre to be housed. Pastor Joseph says:
The building of the Gospel Hall and the Children’s Care Centre is stopped for lack of funding, as I had the funds to complete the slab work only. But now, by the grace of God, we have been able to make this shed into our Good News Centre until God helps us finish the other building.
This shed welcomes many Hindu families who do not know about Jesus, and they are accepting salvation in Christ. These families, who have been worshipping idols all their lives, have now come to know about Jesus. They understand now who is the real God, and this is a result of having this Good News Centre.
Pastor Joseph ends his letter: “We have been doing very hard work to spread the holy Gospel using this prayer hall. Please pray for it.”
– Eliezer Gonzalez, based on a report from Pr Joseph Usala
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