Good News Australia 1996 Issues
- Bible
- Bible study
- Christian Evidences
- Christian Living
- Christianity
- Dr Desmond Ford
- Gospel
- Grace
- Jesus
- Prayer
Sep 11, 2014 2053
Compilation of 1996 GNA Issues
Issue order is from left to right.
Helping The Homeless
by Gordon Moyes
In the old Testament, there is evidence of change and growth in thinking about death. Some passages claim, that in Sheol, there is a complete loss of relationship with God. Psalm 88:5 says that God does not remember the dead. Psalm 90 speaks of the wrath of God, under which our days…
The Resurrection of Hope
by Ron Allen
T here are two million species living on planet Earth and humanity is the only one that knows it will die, yet refuses to believe it. Known history supplies evidence that there have always been notions of some kind of continuance beyond death. Rupert Brooke’s poem illustrates:
Emancipation of King Jehoiachin
by Robert H Parr
The Bible is full of surprises. Browsing through Kings and Chronicles the other day, in search, I should tell you, of a fresh idea for a sermon, I stumbled? (in the last verse in 2 Kings) on the gospel in a most unexpected place, and I must tell you about it.
by Smuts van Rooyen
When I go to Norway I find myself quite frustrated by a simple fact – everybody has this wheat-white hair. The whole nation has the same colour hair in Norway. You look for someone who has black hair or brown hair but if you see one, you know he I she is a tourist.
Can God Be Trusted
by Frank Retief
Christians suffer, too. How then should we respond to suffering and tragedy? Do we simply say it is the devil? Or do we blame ourselves and say it is because we had no faith, or too little faith?
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