Good News Austrialia 1994 Issues
- Bible
- Bible study
- Christian Evidences
- Christian Living
- Christianity
- Dr Desmond Ford
- Faith
- Glory
- Gospel
- Grace
- Holy Spirit
- Jesus
- Prayer
Sep 11, 2014 1922
1994 Issue No. 2
Good Gracious… God!
It’s mentioned 130 times in the New Testament alone. It begins and ends each of the apostle Paul’s letters. It turned…
1994 Issue No. 3
Christ in All the Gospels – 1
One of the great evidences that Jesus is divine is found in the providential way the world was prepared for his arrival.
1994 Issue No. 4
‘Jesus in the Four Gospels’
Because Jesus is the center of true religion, we need as many views of Jesus as possible. The New Testament’s four Gospels give us four essential views.
1994 Issue No. 5
‘Luke tells us about Jesus’
Because Jesus is the centre of true religion, we need as many views of Jesus as possible. The New Testament’s four Gospels give us four essential…
1994 Issue No. 6
The Crises of Christ: His Birth
The birth of Christ teaches us that Jesus is holy and without sin, the unique God-human, and the rejected and suffering Saviour who became sin for us.
1994 Issue No. 7
The Crises of Christ: Transfiguration
Christ revealed his glory at the transfiguration to help his followers through the…
1994 Issue No. 8
The Crises of Christ: Calvary
Here’s the Where, When, What, Who, and Why of the cross of Christ. We were all present…
1994 Issue No. 9
Christ’s Birth and Our Life
Paul Johnson’s recent book, The Intellectuals, has a significant thesis. Persons immoral in heart.
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