How Santhamma Changed Her Mind and Found Jesus – Gantavarepallem, India
Mar 10, 2019 2133
Santhamma is from the village of Gantavarepallem, India, where she works as a tailor. She accepted Jesus into her life after reading a copy of Jesus Only by Des Ford that she was given by Pr Joseph.
Santhamma grew up in a very poor family, who worked everyday in order to survive. Like many generations before her, she was raised Hindu, and her family was deeply involved in their religious rituals. She had never heard about Jesus.
Pr Joseph first met Santhamma in his travels spreading the Gospel with members of the evangelism team in India. They got to know Santhamma and she told them about her life. The subsequent times they were in Gantavarepallem they visited her and one day they offered her a copy of Jesus Only. Initially she said she wasn’t interested and rejected the gift.
They found her incredibly happy. She told them “I have come to know about Jesus”
Their friendship continued and when she was later offered the book, she accepted it, and through reading it came to know about Jesus. When Pr Joseph and the evangelism team visited her, they found her incredibly happy. She told them “I came to know about Jesus and his preaching”, and said that she had accepted him into her life.
Santhamma shared the book with her family and they also came to accept Jesus into their lives. She says,
It is God who has allowed me to meet Pr Joseph and it is the Word of God that changed my life. When I read Jesus Only my life changed. I am so happy now! I came to know more about Jesus and his preaching. My whole family has also accepted Jesus through this book. Thanks to Jesus.
– Ella Rodionoff
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