How Stas Quit Drugs: “God Did Not Sleep” – Poltava, Ukraine

Aug 3, 2018 3461

How Stas Quit Drugs “God Did Not Sleep” – Poltava, Ukraine

“I know for sure that I want to connect my life with God.”

It was my aunt who first introduced me to God. As a child, she took me to a protestant church where they gave me a children’s Bible. Thanks to that, I knew basic Bible stories quite well. Then I lost interest in church, probably because there were not many young people there.

My parents got divorced when I was five. My grandfather was a drug addict. At the age of 53, he hanged himself under the influence of drugs. That was the background, when, at fourteen, I started smoking marijuana. I started taking harder drugs when I was eighteen. However, for some reason, I did not become interested in drug injections. 

Because of my drug habit, my mother left me to live on my own. God was the only one who remained for me to rely on. I often asked him for help. The fact I have been alive and sober for 10 months now speaks for itself. It means God did not sleep.

I am 24 now, but the first time I was treated for my drug addiction was in 2013. It was mostly for my parents’ sake. After that, I began taking drugs again but for a long time I thought I was able to control my habit. However, last year I made up my mind to apply for help.

I went to the rehab centre in Poltava. There I went to Bible study meetings held by a GNU pastor. I become interested by the truth about forgiveness. I have learnt that I simply need to believe and accept that God has already forgiven everything. At that moment, a store of knowledge from my childhood snapped into action. It was interesting for me to recognise the Bible stories suggested for discussion by the pastor.


God was the only one who remained for me to rely on


At our last meeting, after the pastor showed how reliable the Holy Scriptures are and how convincing Bible prophecy is, I decided to read the Bible myself. I have almost finished reading the book of Exodus.

Where is my relationship with God now? I have not missed a church service since the autumn. I have an inner desire to do good things and serve people. I want to be helpful helping others or simply being active when somebody is asking for help.

For me the commandment that tells us not to judge others was important. I often judged people before. It also became easier for me to forgive. I had not communicated with my grandparents since I was 18. They behaved pitilessly towards me, because of drugs, and I got offended. But we have now made up. I have made peace with my mother, too.

I want to be baptised. I know for sure that I want to connect my life with God.

– Stas (Edited by Ella Rodionoff)

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Anjelo Garang

Feb 21, 2019

am always happy when i preaching the word of God,i say to growing old doing the word of God.


Feb 18, 2019

Wonderful, very encouraging to hear from you my brother.God bless you as you encourage others.

Ndayisenga Viateur

Feb 17, 2019

God saved your life Truly inspiring story, Perhaps am in that way you passed through to arrive to Jesus Christ, Be blessed But remember to pray for me and my family sothat we may arrive at the destination well, Grace and peace


Feb 17, 2019

Inspiring story..God has all the good plans for us. Jere. 29:11


Feb 16, 2019

God is great! God is love! Father, glory be to YOU in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Ayodele Oluwatoba

Feb 16, 2019

Truly inspiring. May God give you the grace to keep up in Him.

Elvis ice

Feb 16, 2019

yea I done that .thanks


Feb 16, 2019

I promise to spread de message in Jesus mighty name. Amen

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