“I Have Got Peace In My Heart” – Testimonies From Bhushanagulla, India

Sep 12, 2019 1967

“I Have Got Peace In My Heart” – Testimonies From Bhushanagulla, India
Pr Joseph preaches at the home of one of the new believers.

Bhushanagulla is a new village where we have started preaching the Gospel weekly among the Hindu families. We preach the Holy Gospel under a bamboo stick roof where people sit on the floor and listen to the Word of God. A young lady who was Hindu accepted Jesus at the first meeting held on the street and gave permission to conduct the prayer meetings on every Friday at her hut.

We pray for the people who come to the meetings and provide rice food. Now 15 people including elderly people and one blind man have accepted Jesus into their lives. Here are some of their testimonies:


Venkatrao is the elder of the village and he came for the first time to the Gospel meeting and accepted Jesus into his life. He had been doing all his life since his birth Hindu rituals – prayers, offerings and sacrificing goats and chickens. So he said,

God is good and I never heard about Jesus and it is the first time I heard the Holy Gospel and learned about the real God.

So now he is so happy in Christ Jesus and he said,

My entire life is changed by hearing the Holy Gospel. I give thanks to Jesus in all my life.


Santhe is a woman who is about 60 years old. Daily she has been selling fruits and vegetables in the village. So she was born and brought up with a Hindu background but she came one Friday morning to hear the Holy Gospel. So she heard about Jesus and she said,

I never heard about Jesus and Jesus is very great and he is the real God.

So she accepted Jesus into her life and now she goes daily from house to house around the village and shares the Holy Gospel and what she has heard. She said,

My life has changed and I have got peace in my heart. Now I am so happy in Christ Jesus. Thanks to Jesus.

My entire life is changed by hearing the Holy Gospel.


Lakshmi is a young lady and was born and brought up in a Hindu family. She used to go to various Hindu temples and offer sacrifices and other prayers and adore trees and stones and snakes. So when we conducted a Gospel meeting in the street in front of her house, she heard about Jesus and the Holy Gospel and she is so happy. After the meeting she came to me and asked me what she should do to accept Jesus. So she accepted Jesus and every Friday morning she has been coming to the Gospel meeting and her family are also happy and God has been leading and guiding her.


Durgamma was born and brought up in a Hindu family. She was married in a church but unfortunately never heard about Jesus. So she has a thirst and is eager to know about him. She came to the Gospel meeting and heard about Jesus and accepted him in her life and she is so happy in Christ. She said,

God has heard my prayers. I was married in the church but I did not know about Jesus. But through these Gospel meetings and prayers I came to know about Jesus in my life. Thanks to Jesus.


Sureka was born and brought up in a Hindu family and her whole family is Hindu. She came alone for the Gospel meeting and she heard and she accepted Jesus into her life. So she said,

Though my whole family did not allow me to come to the Gospel meeting, it is God who has led me to come. Now I am so happy and have accepted Jesus into my life. Now I need a Holy Bible to read daily though my family members do not agree or allow me to read. But I keep my whole my faith in Jesus and do read daily. Thanks to Jesus. 

– Pr Joseph Usala

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