I saw a miracle with my own eyes! – Pr Venkatram Naik

Apr 15, 2014 2403

Greetings to you in the mighty name of Lord Jesus Christ. God has showed me so many miracles in my 15 years of pastoral life. I would like to share one such miracle with our Good News Unlimited ministry.

In 2002 I went, together with two other pastors, to an area called Narasaraopeta in Andhra Pradesh in Guntur district, for the sake of the gospel. The prayer meet went till night. On our way back the police has arrested us, and they asked us why we were holding Bibles and preaching, and they wanted to charge us with being anti-social elements. So they kept all three of us in jail. We explained to the Sub-Inspector of Police that we were pastors and were preaching God’s good word, but he was not a Christian and he didn’t listen to us.

We understood that he wouldn’t release us and he shouted at us telling us that if we asked one more time, he would send us to the central jail. My fellow preachers and I sat in the jail and started praying to our God. We prayed the whole night. We didn’t sleep at all. I believed that my God would surely help me.

When it was morning, a local political leader, who is a believer in Jesus, came to the police station and spoke with the Sub-Inspector of police, and they released us after he had signed.

I asked that person who rescued us how he knew us and especially how he knew that we were in the police station. That person replied that he got a vision last night that a white shining person who came to him and told him to go to this particular local police station because his people were in trouble. He understood that it was God’s word he had heard, and so he had come to check at the prison to see if any believers were in trouble or not. When we heard his reply I am my fellow workers for Christ cried a lot and we praise the Lord Jesus Christ for his care for his people.

This was really a miracle in my life. I saw God work with my own eyes, which made increased my strength in his work.


Pastor V. Venkatram Naik


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