Jesus Only Makes Inroads in a Rwandan Hospital.

Dec 12, 2014 1813


Mukesha Claire in Rwanda loves evangelism! When this nurse and single mother learnt about GNU’s gift of Jesus Only to the Rwandan people, she made sure that she travelled to Kigali to pick up a box of books.

Over the last month, she has personally given 400 copies to the patients and staff at the hospital where she works. She says,

The books are greatly loved. Each time I administer drugs to my patients in the hospital where I work, I also give them Jesus Only. When people read the book, they tell their friends, and I get more and more requests. Now I have no more books left.

This encouraging story illustrates how your support helps hundreds of faithful people like Claire – many who labor in obscurity with no headlines, no financial rewards and no help from anyone in their community. We will probably never know how many lives will be caught up in the gospel net through partnering with servant-hearted people like Claire, and so many like her.

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