Just The Beginning

Feb 7, 2017 2176

Radio Version:

Just The Beginning

We can all look back and see new beginnings disguised as endings in our lives. It was like that when I quit the job I’d had for many years. It was really hard to do, especially since I didn’t know what I’d do next. It felt like an ending, but in the end, it turned out to be an exciting new beginning.

In the Bible, there are four books that tell the story of what Jesus did while he was on earth. The author of the book of Luke says he wrote about all that Jesus began to do.

You see, Jesus life, death and resurrection wasn’t the end of the story. It was just the beginning – the beginning of what Jesus began to do. And he’s been doing it ever since!

Jesus is alive, and he’s still at work today! And that means no matter how old you are, when you make Jesus’ story, your story, your life is only just beginning too!

Eliezer Gonzalez

Just the beginning

Jesus is alive and he’s still at work today.

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