From Legalism to Liberty – Musanze, Rwanda

Aug 10, 2017 1914

"Thank you, GNU, for bringing the love of Christ to me."

“Thank you, GNU, for bringing the love of Christ to me.”

My name is IshimweI am 24 years old and Rwandan by nationality. I was raised in a Christian family where I was taught that in order to be saved I needed to strictly keep God’s law. Therefore I strived to please God with my works but my heart was never at peace. I felt that I was never good enough to please God. I felt this way until 6 months ago when I was first learned about GNU. I read a book entitled “Jesus Only” and it introduced me to the Gospel for the first time in my life. 

Ishimwe received a copy of Jesus Only through his church, which has recently partnered with GNU. The church, at its own cost, translated a number of copies of the book into Kinyarwanda and gave it to its members. This book is the official Bible study lesson guide at the church, and it is read each week. It is through this use of the book in his church that Ishimwe encountered the life changing message. He continues his story,


It introduced me to the Gospel for the first time in my life.


My new understanding of the Gospel was strengthened when I attended Gospel meetings co-hosted by GNU and my church, entitled “The Great Invitation” based on Mathew 11:28. GNU has opened a new chapter in my spiritual journey, and I now see the Bible in a completely new way. Now I feel liberated. 

My testimony can be summed up like this: I can feel the love of Jesus. 

Thank you, GNU, for bringing the love of Christ to me.  

– Pr Bonifresh Muhollo

Help Spread the Word Fast

Eliezer Gonzalez

Dec 3, 2017

Spot on!

Tom Durst

Dec 3, 2017

Testimonies like this show the importance of STAYING ON TRACK WITH THE GOSPEL and not allowing too many lesser important things become central. When we lose sight of the centrality of the gospel we lose the only true power which is in the gospel itself.

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