How Do You Like the Poster for GNU’s East Africa Radio Programme?

Nov 20, 2014 2551

jesus-only-flyers-colourGNU is on track to start broadcasting our radio programme in Eastern Africa! This will reach a potential audience of 230 million people in December, hungry for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Guess what we are calling it? The radio programme will be called Jesus Only.

Yes, that’s right – it’s the same name as Des’ book that is taking Africa by storm for the gospel!

We’ve already recorded the first four radio programmes and sent them to Africa.

At the request of out brothers and sisters in Africa, we have designed the poster shown here to be copied cheaply by the thousands (the black and white version) and put up all over walls and telegraph poles in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, etc…

What do you think of it?

If you haven’t started praying for this massive outreach, start praying now!!!


kayumba David

Dec 9, 2014

I love its wording. I got news from a friend whose friend was able to listen to this radion on Saturday.

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