Recommended Reading

The Outlined Bible – Robert Lee

Explore the Book – J Sidlow Baxter

Commentary on the Bible – Jamison, Fausset and Brown

The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life – Hannah Whitall Smith

The God of all Comfort – Hannah Whitall Smith

All of Grace – C H Spurgeon

Morning Evening – C H Spurgeon

Christ’s Glorious Achievements – C H Spurgeon

Treasury of the Old Testament – C H Spurgeon ( 4 vols)

Jesus Only – Des Ford

Commentary on Romans Anders Nygren

On the Reliability of the Old Testament – K.A. Kitchen

The Way – E. Stanley Jones

Abundant Living – E. Stanley Jones

Biographies- 2 vol set published by China Inland Mission – Hudson Taylor

Servant of Slaves – Grace Irwin

To the Golden Shore – Courtney Anderson

George Muller of Bristol – A.T. Pierson

The General Next to God – Fontana paperback