Over 1000 People Hear the Gospel, Many Accept Salvation! – Pollukonda and Parnasa, India
Jun 14, 2016 1308

Hundreds gather to hear the gospel for the first time.
Over a thousand people came to a recent GNU meeting in India, from miles around, riding on bicycles, tractors, and trucks – all so they could hear the Gospel and be saved.
Riding your bike a far distance to get to church may not seem the most convenient (or comfortable!), but many people of diverse backgrounds and religions are doing just that to experience the power of the gospel through GNU. In early June, Pastor Joseph, who partners with GNU in India, travelled to the villages of Pollukonda and Parnasa to present the gospel.
An astonishing number of over 1000 people came to these meetings, many by way of bicycles and tractors, spanning the distances to hear the spoken Word. Pr Joseph declares:
I am very thankful to God for bringing the many people to listen and to know about Jesus. Many Hindus who attended have now accepted Jesus into their lives. It was a wonderful and blessed experience.
Throughout the villages in India, as in many other parts of the world, the idea of the gospel can be misunderstood. One young man overcame a major roadblock in order to have a chance to hear the gospel.
Ravi went against the wishes of his Hindu parents when he went to hear the message — a decision that changed his life forever. He came forward at the meeting to accept Jesus into his life! Ravi expressed to Pr Joseph his desire to dedicate his life to Jesus. He says:
It was Jesus who has brought me here for this gospel meeting, even though my parents did not agree. I am thankful to Jesus, and my life is now saved in Christ.
Ravi was just one of many whose lives were eternally changed by GNU’s mission to share the gospel. These gospel meetings are a vital and tangible way for so many hungry hearts to hear and accept and word of God. Let us keep Pr Joseph and all those involved in our prayers as we remember our new brothers and sisters in Christ!
– Laura Stewart
Hi Colin – I will ask and find out what the message was and let you know here.
Please, i want to see in biblical words this message that was heard and received by these Indian people. Thanking you Colin
Eliezer Gonzalez
Jun 21, 2016
Dear Colin – I wrote to Pr Joseph what was the message he preached, and this was his reply, in his own words: "Dear loving Pastor, Greets to you in the mighty holy name of Jesus.It is my great pleasure and honor to share what I had preached to the 1000 people on Gospel evangelism. According to the area and people's need and thirsty for holy Gospel I have seletcted the message Luck 15;11 to 32, The Parable of the Lost Sheep Luck 15;1-7 It is the parable of the Lost son. When the son was at his father very happya nd when the son left and taken everything from the father and lost all things and went to live in a man what was eating the pigs he had been eating and then he realised that he got everything at his father.So I told that our creator is father and he has sent to us his begotten son to give everything through the holy Gospel.So whoever believes in him have eternal and everlasting life. So I have shared and preached the three characters of the sons,father.So we we children of God,God loves us all time when we make mistakes.So God cares us and loves us in all time.So the people 1000 who have come liked this messages and came to know that God loves and cares for us and he has sent his only son to save our lives.The I preached about the lost sheep also.Thank you pastor. Yours loving pastor Joseph. "