Step/Week 4, Day 4 – Spiritual Inventory and Confess: No More Guilt
May 6, 2020 1356

“So there is now no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:1, TLB).
The day you gave your life to Jesus Christ, was a day when you became a son or daughter of God. From that point onwards, you belong to Him. Not in a possessive way, like we would exhibit in a co-dependent relationship when struggling with our addictions. We each now have a heavenly Father, who’s love knows no bounds or shows any favouritism. You need to keep who you belong to, firmly at the forefront of your mind, as you journey towards recovery. You belong to Him and there is no condemnation awaiting you, when you confess your sins and receive His forgiveness.
The next letter in CONFESS is N, which stands for NO more guilt. Do you feel guilty of your past? Are you ashamed of the things you have done? Thought so! I was exactly the same at this point in my journey towards recovery.
An addicted person has an immense lack of confidence, especially regarding self-confidence. Those of us who have been through the storms and rages of addiction know what it feels like to hit rock bottom. Always looking over our shoulders because we can’t remember what we did the night before; living in fear of those consequences. But God never wanted us to live like that. It was our choice to stay in that self-imposed prison.
Now, it’s our choice to confess and come clean, and when we have done that, we can be assured that God has forgiven us. He has fully cleansed us of our sins and remembers them no more! There is no need for you to relive your old sins, God forgave you; you can move on and live in the wonderful knowledge of that fact.
– Graham Hood
Personal Reflection: Repeat (when required): “I am not guilty of my past sins; I am forgiven; I have been set free by God; He remembers my past sins no more; I am free from condemnation; I belong to Him and no other; Praise You!” Continue to live daily in this knowledge.
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