Step/Week 6, Day 7 – Ready: Character Defects Testimony
May 6, 2020 1231

“Then when you realize your worthlessness before the Lord, he will lift you up, encourage and help you” (Jam. 4:10, TLB).
In the previous personal testimony for week 5, I shared with you one of my character defects: habitually telling lies. Whilst I remember this character defect being prominent in my childhood and early adulthood, it was by no means my only character defect. In fact, it was only the tip of the iceberg, especially when I was in the full grip of my addictions.
I had no problem thinking that I was worthless. At my lowest point, life had very little meaning, and I was plagued with thoughts of suicide. But I never took my life. I truly believe that was for a reason—God fully knows the reason; I can only guess that His plan for my life was still to be realised. There was definitely more to come!
When I sought God to help me in my recovery, He was there. He has never let me down. He has lifted me up more times than I can remember. His word encourages me every day. He is a constant help to me. His promises contained in our verse for today never fail. He did the miracle in my life! The miracle I had prayed for years for Him to perform. At times, I’d nearly given up hope, but not quite. I know, His timing is perfect, but to be honest with you, it was really hard to wait that long. Grateful? You bet! I have so much gratitude towards God and for what He has done for me, that it will take eternity for me to thank Him.
Did God remove my character defects? Yes, He did. Am I without character defects? No, I’m not. I’m a work in progress, but I know for sure, that God is my ever-constant Helper and Encourager. He can be yours, too!
– Graham Hood
Prayer: Father God, thank You for removing my character defects. I see the changes that You have made in my life, others see it, too. I am so thankful and grateful for You doing this for me. You put me on the road to recovery. You are my constant Helper and Encourager. Thank You for all the times You have lifted me up, when I have fallen down. Today, I praise Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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