Step/Week 9, Day 6 – Forgiveness and Grace: Jesus Christ Paid the Price for You

May 6, 2020 1209

Life Recovery Devotions StepWeek 9 Day 6 – Forgiveness and Grace Jesus Christ Paid the Price for You

“So overflowing is His kindness toward us that He took away all our sins through the blood of His Son, by whom we are saved” (Eph. 1:7, TLB).

Stories of sacrifice, especially self-sacrifice are powerful in showing what someone was willing to give up in order to save another. The ultimate sacrifice that someone can give to another, is to give their life for them.

God’s Son, Jesus—did just that for you. He was the ultimate sacrifice for you. He took your place on the cross. He endured the scourging, being nailed to the cross and the slow, agonising death that He experienced. His love for you held Him there on that cross. God’s will held Him there on that cross and yet, He did it willingly, for you. He shed His precious blood, so that you could be saved and forgiven from your sins. That you could have a relationship with God, since Jesus’ atonement removed the barrier between you and God. Is this not a truly remarkable story? One that shows the great sacrifice He gave for you. He paid the price of your debt, so that you could have life in Him, even eternal life.

He has given you new life. You are on the road to recovery and He is working in your life to bring about a full recovery from your addictions. Being saved and forgiven, you have the opportunity to extend your forgiveness to those who have hurt you, as you make your amends to them. This is an important time in your recovery. By making amends, you are releasing the hold your resentments had on you. God will replace these resentments with healthy character traits, as He continues to do the miraculous in your life.

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: Thank and praise Jesus for what He did for you on the cross! Give Him the recognition and all the glory for sacrificing Himself for you. Live a forgiven life. Offer your forgiveness to those who hurt you.

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