The Mountain That God Provides – by Eliezer Gonzalez
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Aug 27, 2015 6569
In The Great House of God, Max Lucado tells the story of a sociologist who “accompanied a group of mountain climbers on an expedition. Among other things, he observed a direct correlation between cloud cover and contentment. When there was no cloud cover and the peak was in view, the climbers were energetic and cooperative. When the gray clouds eclipsed the view of the mountaintop, though, the climbers were sullen and selfish.”
The same thing can happen to us. As long as our eyes are on the mountain that God has provided there’s a bounce in our step and light in our eye. But when our eyes focus on the dirt beneath our feet we may end up grumbling about every rock and crevice we have to cross.
The question is, what is the mountain that God has provided?
Abraham travelled the length and breadth of Canaan all his life, and still he was not at the place where God wanted him to be. It is as if God was saying to him, “No, you’re not there yet. There is something I want to show you; it’s a little further ahead.”
However the great culmination, the mountain top experience (literally) of Abraham’s life, was the great gospel revelation on Mt Moriah. There it was as if God was saying to Abraham, “Yes, this is the place I wanted to show you. This is the mountain that I have provided.”
Mt Moriah was later to become the place that David bought to sacrifice to the Lord – where he insisted on paying full price. It was the place where the Solomon built the temple. And it was on that same rocky hill that our Lord and Saviour was crucified.
We have to keep our eye on the top of the mountain. Everything that obscures it is just a cloud. We need to be
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. – Heb 12:2.
To deal with a mountain of sin, God has provided an even bigger mountain of grace.
Perhaps, like Abraham, God has been leading you to that place all along? You’re never really home until you get there.
– Eliezer Gonzalez
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