The Wounded God
Sep 13, 2017 2066
Radio Version:
The Wounded God
I’ve visited many churches and temples around the world, and it strikes me how always, at the heart of every Christian church is a wounded God. If not through an actual artistic representation, still the idea is always there.
Christianity is the only religion that has a wounded God.
His wounds sum up my sins. His hands are pierced for what my hands have done. His feet are nailed for the wrong places I have gone. His brow is pierced for the many wrong thoughts I’ve had.
Christ is your substitute.
When you believe in him, what you’ve done is put to Christ’s account. And what Jesus did is put to your account. You died with Him, you were buried with Him, you rose with Him, you ascended with Him, and you are glorious in him. You are accepted in Christ, complete in Him, without spot or blemish in the merciful reckoning of God. And that’s what Christianity is all about.
You are accepted in Christ, complete in him, without spot or blemish in the merciful reckoning of God.
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