Unexpected Gifts

Feb 21, 2019 24903

Singpore Airlines

Eliezer Gonzalez and Tony Blank (friend of GNU) were excitedly sharing an open Bible together, when they were interrupted by Rachel Ong, Chief Stewardess on this Singapore Airlines flight high over the Pacific. But she hadn’t come to offer them a drink. Instead, she asked them if they were Christians. When they said, “Yes!” she told them how she had also recently become a Christian and was so excited about Jesus and the message of the Gospel. A wonderful conversation followed.

Rachel asked them where they were travelling. They told her that they were travelling to India, and that among other things, they would be visiting children in very poor areas.

Rachel sprang into action. Over the next hour, one by one, the cabin crew brought bags loaded  with little gifts for the children: soft toys, pens and pencils, little writing pads, toothbrushes and toothpaste – whatever they had on board.

When they landed, after a happy photo together, Eliezer and Tony continued on their journey. They were now loaded with extra cabin baggage. However they knew that the children would be so happy to receive these special gifts from these angels high in the sky.

– Eliezer Gonzalez


John Aisa

Aug 11, 2019

Bless the lord

jerry rwothomio

Mar 10, 2019

woooow, its amazing , lets help to reach the gospel of Jesus Even in Uganda and other partz of de district


Feb 21, 2019


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