Unlimited: Do Not Destroy the Work of God
Oct 24, 2023 972

Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food (Romans 14:20a).
The issue of people trying to police what other people ate or drank might seem trivial to us, however it was obviously a divisive issue for the first Christians. Christians trying to police other Christians on things that don’t ultimately matter for salvation is still a big problem today.
It is God’s work, not ours, to convict us of how we should live in these areas. However, more particularly, the work of God to which Paul is referring here is the work of the Gospel.
When you place external behaviours such as these at the core of our lives and our faith, we are working against the Gospel. Anything that takes our attention away from the Gospel destroys the work of God. Because some Christians have “majored in minors,” many people have been driven people away from Jesus and from faith.
Anything that takes our attention away from the Gospel destroys the work of God.
The purpose of the church should be the same as that of John the Baptist: to…
…Make straight the way for the Lord… (John 1:23.)
Our purpose should be to make straight the way for people to discover Jesus and his gift of eternal life. It should not be to put obstacles and mountains in their way, yet tragically, this is too often what professed Christians have done throughout history. They have destroyed the work of God.
Spiritual Application
Have you ever policed the behaviour of other believers in your Christian community, or have you supported such policing through your silence? Or were you perhaps on the receiving end of these attitudes? Do you think this built up or destroyed the work of God in your life or the lives of others?
Amuchin Exodus
Oct 24, 2023
Pls I still need your prayers, because my attention is getting far from the work of God, l needs His mercy on me, I really want to work for God and his will.