Unlimited: Every Kind of Wickedness

May 3, 2022 1501

Unlimited: Every Kind of Wickedness

They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy (Romans 1:29–31).

The apostle Paul here gives us a list of the kinds of wickedness into which people fall when they don’t think it’s worthwhile to know God.

It might be startling to us that Paul essentially groups and equates things like murder and gossip together. We might be tempted to think that murder is a far more serious sin than gossip. We send people to jail for many years for murder, yet gossip is a common thing among friends, including in churches.

You cannot excuse different kinds of wickedness by saying that one kind is better or worse than another.

What the apostle is telling us here is that evil is evil, and sin is sin. It may be true that some sins may have more serious consequences than others, but can you really know the ultimate results of your gossip? You cannot excuse different kinds of wickedness by saying that one kind is better or worse than another.

Take a moment to think this through. Sexual immorality isn’t worse than disobeying your parents or than being boastful. All of these things are deviations from God’s will. They all lead to death.

Interestingly, Paul observes that those people who are “filled with every kind of wickedness” have no understanding, fidelity, love, or mercy. They may think that they have understanding, but they don’t. It’s the ultimate self-delusion.

Spiritual Application

Which is the worst sin that you have ever committed? What is the greatest grace you have ever been shown? Which one wins?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Okurut Martin

May 5, 2022

Answering the great question about which kind of worst sin I have ever committed. Indeed my sin is based on ignorance Not knowing the truth but always trusting in my heart decisions which is absolutely very wrong as Bible says; Lean not on your own understanding but truefully I have got grace to understand the Godly issues. God loves me and he has forgiven my sins. Glory to God.

Eliezer Gonzalez

May 3, 2022

Dear Thian – Thank you for your feedback about these spelling errors. Oh dear! I apologise. I will get them fixed, and make sure the devotionals are proofread more thoroughly! God bless you! - Grace and Peace, Eliezer

Thian Boon Cheow

May 3, 2022

Dear Ps Gonzalez I enjoy reading your daily devotional I received from you, they are very inspiring and down to earth and I share them with my group of christian friends. But before I does that I had to make spelling correction, like for example today's posting you use the word immortality, I believe you mean immorality. "Take a moment to think this through. Sexual immortality isn’t worse than disobeying your parents or than being boastful." Another wrong word use was yesterday's, last paragraph instead of "knowing who his is, and his character", I believe you mean to say 'knowing who 'he' is. Search error could give a very different meaning to the message. In closing I like you to know I and my group enjoy and we look forward to your postings daily.

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