Unlimited: For the Sake of My People

Feb 24, 2023 792

Unlimited: For the Sake of My People

I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, the people of Israel (Romans 9:2–4a).

Paul had been called by God to be an apostle to the Gentiles. Yet his heart was wrenched in sorrow for his own people, who had rejected Jesus Christ. As a result, they had also now rejected him (Paul) and his message of salvation through faith in the Lord.

We must never forget that Paul was a Jew by birth, upbringing, education and culture. Even though they persecuted him and had tried to kill him many times, Paul loved his people, and his heart broke for them.

We all have people for whom we anguish over their salvation.

Paul’s love for his own people is such that he is prepared to give up his own salvation for their sake. He displays the true love that only God can give us for others, and especially for those who hate us and who wish to harm us. Consider also the example of Moses who was prepared to give up his own salvation for the sake of his people (Exodus 32:32.)

No matter what the progress in our spiritual lives may be, we all have people for whom we anguish over their salvation. If you have ever had a loved one who has lost their way in life and left their love for God, you will also know the tears and prayers that you have offered for them.

Spiritual Application

Is there someone, of “your people,” for whom you are praying, for their salvation? Don’t give up! Keep praying for them and keep trusting in the Lord, who will do wonderful things.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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Mar 3, 2023

да у меня есть такие люди...мои дорогие сыночки внучата и правнучата и друе...которые для меня дороже самого мення


Mar 2, 2023

у меня есть такие люди.и я слава Богу ценю награду мою от Бога больше самого себя.. слава тебе Боже


Feb 25, 2023

Very refreshing indeed and thanks for this.

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