Unlimited: In All Things God Works for Our Good

Feb 2, 2023 938

Unlimited: In All Things God Works for Our Good

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

The best way to understand this verse is that if a person loves God, then everything that God does for a person or allows to happen to them, is for their own good.

It isn’t saying that everything that happens to a believer is done to them by God. Some things he simply allows to happen. An example is the murder of Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist. God wasn’t at work in this action, and it wasn’t for John the Baptist’s good. Yet God allowed it.

God is not the author of evil, but of good.

God is not the author of evil, but of good. The crucifixion of his Son was perpetrated by murderous men. God did not engineer the crucifixion of Jesus, but God did plan the Cross, for the salvation of the world. If God was able to redeem the darkest circumstances ever unleashed upon the world so that they ultimately resulted in the greatest good, he can also work for good in every circumstance in your life.

The evil is still there. The pain is still there. But these things are not from God. What is from God is the amazing way in which he can ultimately bring about something beautiful from your greatest darkness. Even when we may only understand it in eternity, God can redeem every situation. You can trust him all the time.

Spiritual Application

What is a difficult situation that you are facing right now? Take some time apart, to commit it to your heavenly Father, and to affirm your trust in him.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Marian Jenkins

Feb 2, 2023

My oldest son passed away at the age of 60. He was healthy and no indication of any problems. They said he had a brain aneurysm, which I’m sure is possible, but there are those of us in the family, including myself his dad, who was my first husband, and his stepmother. We are not the only ones, but we all feel that his wife gave him some product to kill him. She worked in a feed store and had access to all kinds of products which could have caused his death. Lord, we could move forward and I research this and get more answers, but I am I’m asking you Lord to show us Whether she did or didn’t cause his death. And if she did that, somehow, she will be found out. The reason we feel this way is her first husband died suddenly at the age of 32 or 34, of a sudden illness, and she was the only one there. Also her brother-in-law who actually owned this feed store, dropped dead, in front of her, and she was the only one there. He too was young. So that is a little coincidental. Lord, I ask that you work in this situation. You know all you see all and you here all. We love you, Lord and thank you, in Jesus name I pray .

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