Unlimited: Hope for Those with Little Faith
Sep 6, 2019 2835
I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief! (Mark 9:24, NIV).
There’s this story of a man who came to Jesus, asking him to cure his son (Mark 9:24). This man admitted that although he had some faith, his faith was mixed with doubt. Of course, Jesus cured his son. The faith of this man is the model of how it always is with us this side of eternity. This story tells us that you don’t need to pray a perfect prayer, just a saving prayer.
Our faith is never perfect. We are always falling, stumbling, and weak in how we come to Jesus. And he is always understanding, compassionate, and quick to stand beside us in his strength.
Jesus never said that he would only love those who come to him in perfect faith, but instead, that even faith the size of the tiniest seed was enough (Luke 17:6). Our tiny faith is never perfect in size, but it is perfect in its power to take hold of the strength of Christ.
Of course, the Bible challenges us to have a perfect faith (James 1:6), because faith comes with blessings. However, God tells us that it’s not the struggles of the journey that count for salvation. Instead, what counts is the decision we’ve made about to whom we entrust our lives, in spite of our doubts and failings along the way.
– Eliezer Gonzalez
Eli’s Reflection: Perhaps, because of the situation you find yourself in, you also need to pray this prayer: I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief (Mark 9:24)! It’s a prayer Jesus will always answer. It may not be a perfect prayer, but it’s a saving prayer.
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