Unlimited: Power in the Words of Jesus
Nov 15, 2024 2561
Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs, which God did among you through Him, as you yourselves know (Acts 2:22, NIV).
The Gospel of John records seven miracles that Jesus performed. These illustrate the transforming power of Jesus in our lives.
In these miracles, we find the transformation from sadness to gladness, from disease to health, from paralysis to abundant energy, from hunger to fullness, from anxiety to tranquillity, from darkness to light, from death to life.
In these miracles, we are given a picture of the transformation that takes place in the life of every person who comes to Jesus. They reveal that all things are under the control of Jesus. They reveal the power in the Words of Jesus.
The main point for each of us is that Christ’s transforming Word is as strong and efficient as his actual presence. Without touching the water in the stone jars at the wedding in Cana, Jesus, with a word, turned it into wine. Later, he spoke a word at Cana and healed a boy miles away in his home in Capernaum.
And that same word called a dead man from his grave. That word is still available to accomplish the miracle of salvation in the life of even the weakest of believers who call out to Christ in faith.
– Des Ford (adapted)
Eli’s Reflection: Are you calling out to Christ in faith today? All power belongs to Christ. I invite you to claim the powerful, transforming Word of Christ for yourself. Realise the power in the Words of Jesus.
Christ a son of the most High. Born in a manger to poor care taker, Joseph and Mary. He was judged to died, endured the agony in the garden of Getheman , while his disciples were sleeping. Judas, betrayed him, Peter denned him. A crown ?, but of thorns was put on his head carried his own cross. That makes me thankful and l endure, because He endured on the cross ✝️ for my sake. Amen
thank you for the good news messages in the Daily Devotions that you share with me! May the good Lord continue to guide you as impart these powerful messages ,
Henry lansana
Nov 29, 2019
I appreciated the Good news devotion messages alway sent to me, it teaches me a lot about my Christian life. God will continue to bless you for your efforts to spread His undiluted words.