Unlimited: Sin Must Die So That You May Live

Jan 4, 2023 986

Unlimited: Sin Must Die So That You May Live

For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live (Romans 8:13).

The apostle presents us with a stark choice here that reflects the fundamental realities of life. You will either live or you will die. To live according to the flesh is death, but if you wish to live, you must put sin to death by the Spirit.

Something has to die: either you will die if you live according to the flesh, or your sin will die so that you may live. You die by living, or you live by dying.

Either you will die if you live according to the flesh, or your sin will die so that you may live.

Let me explain this. The contrast Paul gives us here is very important. Notice how both of these two options is achieved. You will die by living “according to the flesh.” To live according to the flesh is the way of works. This doesn’t only mean to live according to the promptings of our sinful hearts. It also means to live according to our own doing, no matter how piously and religiously motivated our performance may be. If you do this, you will die.

The way to live also involves a death. The way to live isn’t to simply do better works. The way to live is to “put to death the misdeeds of the body.” How do you do this? You do it by accepting the justifying forgiveness that God offers you through Christ.

Spiritual Application

What is dying in your life? Reread this devotion and then pray for the right thing to die in your life.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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