Unlimited: The Reason for Powerlessness

May 15, 2024 2205

Unlimited The Reason for Powerlessness

After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”

He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer” (Mark 9:28–29, NIV).

The disciples weren’t able to heal a boy possessed by an evil spirit, and their failure led to an embarrassing public spectacle. Jesus healed him through his word of power.

This left the disciples wondering what the reason was for their failure and the dramatic healing of the boy possessed by an evil spirit really troubled the disciples.

Jesus gave them the power to cast out evil spirits, and they had done it before. So why weren’t they able to do it this time?

So, they asked Jesus about it.

And the answer that Jesus gave them is a very interesting one.

He tells them that this kind of evil spirit can come out only by prayer.

This answer would have left the disciples baffled. As good Jews, they prayed many times a day.

Here’s what I think. I think that the answer Jesus gave the disciples didn’t go to the heart of the matter. It wasn’t the lack of much prayer that was the disciple’s problem. It was the lack a particular attitude in their hearts that Jesus was looking for. And he was also waiting for the right moment to challenge them about it. And so, for now, he gave them only a partial answer.

Later in Mark, we’re going to find out the full answer to their question: Why couldn’t they drive out the evil spirit?

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: I wonder, have you ever thought that the more you pray, the more spiritual power you’ll have? It doesn’t work that way. It isn’t the quantity of your prayer life that ultimately matters; it’s the quality. Think about that.

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Peter Birdling

May 16, 2024

The whole heart and quality prayers matter most for God to respond to human demands. Fervent ness by faith in Jesus name is required.

Andrew Maciver Mwenibanda

May 15, 2024

I support this teachings

Andrew Maciver Mwenibanda

May 15, 2024

This is wonderful news and true of matter, prayers are needed for healing pertaining to the time and trust.

Moses Oluremi Ogundepo

Jan 20, 2021

Many times man fails in the things of the spirit because he believes he is capable without our LORD JESUS. Man here refers to human race, so most times we display pride without even realising it. May GOD forgive us all


Jan 18, 2021

Jesus luv's us it is the Quality of our prayer and not the Opposite cuz I know deep in my heart know matter what comes my way I know and always will know that the love Jesus has for me out weigh anything and everything so you see their nothing to think about or wonder about deep down in our hearts we as sons and daughter of the Lord nothing chain that Amen amen?


Jan 18, 2021

I 'm a prayer it is the Quality of our prayer and not the Opposite cuz I know deep in my heart know matter what comes my way I know and always will know that the love Jesus has for me out weigh anything and everything so you see their nothing to think about or wonder about deep down in our hearts we as sons and daughter of the Lord nothing chain that Amen amen?


Jan 18, 2021

I must say being a daily prayer it is the Quality of our prayer and not the Opposite cuz I know deep in my heart know matter what comes my way I know and always will know that the love Jesus has for me out weigh anything and everything so you see their nothing to think about or wonder about deep down in our hearts we as sons and daughter of the Lord nothing chain that Amen amen?

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