Unlimited: The Revelation of the Mystery
Jan 29, 2024 737
in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God (Romans 16:25b–26a)
Paul here refers to the Gospel, his message about Jesus Christ (v.25a), as a mystery. When Paul uses the word mystery, he means something that God had kept hidden in the past, but which has now been revealed. So, in this sense, the “mystery” is no longer a mystery.
The mystery is the Gospel: how God had planned to save the world through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Revelation is progressive. This plan was hidden in the past because it was so astoundingly incredible that it was impossible that it could have been understood before it happened. Even though the prophetic writings pointed forward to Jesus and what he would do, those writings could not be fully understood. But now, Paul tells us, the mystery has been revealed! Christ has come and accomplished his great work!
But now the mystery has been revealed!
The Gospel has now been revealed “by the command of the eternal God.” While this is true at a universal, cosmic level, there is also a vital personal application. The Gospel cannot be grasped by mere human intelligence. If that were the case then all intelligent people would be believers. Instead, the Gospel can only be understood when it is revealed by God to the needy and searching heart. I have found this to be resoundingly true in my own life.
Spiritual Application
Most Christians will say that they know what the Gospel is. But do you know it merely intellectually, or do you know it properly through God’s revelation to your heart?
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