Unlimited: The Salvation Formula

Aug 28, 2020 21056

Understanding the salvation formula is critical.

the salvation formula

If by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace (Romans 11:6, NIV).

I remember, as a teenager, trying to understand salvation in terms of this formula:

Salvation = X + Y

where X = My Goodness and Y = Jesus’ Goodness.

Now I look back and realise how totally silly I was! It’s the most common mathematical error in the world! (Romans 3:22; 11:6; Ephesians 2:8–9).

The Salvation Formula Excludes Your Goodness

The truth about the gospel was one of the hardest lessons I have ever had to learn. And I am still learning it every day, that…

Salvation = Y + 0

(where Y = Jesus’ Goodness and 0 is the value of anything I have ever done).

My performance, deeds, character, past, or present, doesn’t even make it into the formula – never, ever!

The truth is, I was never much good at maths. I really should trust God on this most important equation of all.

Everything in our lives seems to things conspire together to tell us that Salvation = X + Y.

Surely there is something you must do? However, we must come to understand the depths of my sinfulness so that we may come to total dependence on Christ.

Obedience and godly living are always the fruit of salvation, but never the reason. They’re just not part of the formula for how we are saved!

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: Have you ever had any wrong ideas about salvation? What was it that helped you see the truth? Share that with someone today.

Help Spread the Good News

Eliezer Gonzalez

Jan 4, 2023

Dear Lanny - It's amazing how these things burden us. But Jesus bears our burdens. That's how we are saved.

lanny george ross

Jan 3, 2023

FEAR from 1949 ONWARD. Our family lived in a small 800 sq ft home. Back in the day we had an electric toaster but it required putting the bread on the toaster door and then close the door to toast one side then open the door and turn the slice over and toast the other side. This required a lot of handling the bread and it was my morning to operate that toaster. Well into my chore my dad asked if I had washed my hands after using the bathroom. I had not but was fearful of what his response would be so I said YES. For years I lived in fear that Jesus would come before I got up the nerve to make things right with dad, knowing I would not be saved because of my unconfessed lie to my dad. Not sure I ever did tell day and BTW no one got sick that day. Year after year glad that Jesus did not come. Sometimes would look at a big thunder cloud in the sky and home it was not Jesus. THANK GOOD FOR THE FREE GIFT OF SALVATION

Nwaokolo Austin

Mar 25, 2022

Thanks for sharing the gospel, this has really transformed my thinking and ways of life.

Atupele Mwanyongo

Oct 26, 2021

Through your daily emails about the gospel, my life has changed a lot. I always look forward to being encouraged by the word of God. I have gone further to share your teachings to my family and friends through WhatsApp. Thank you so much and I look forward to more teachings!

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