What Do You Walk Past?

Sep 19, 2022 1152

What Do You Walk Past?

What Do You Walk Past?

Have you ever walked past someone in trouble?

Years ago, I did. It was someone lying by the side of the road late one evening. I justified it by assuming that he was drunk. And I’ve never felt right about that.

Some years ago, Lieutenant General David Morrison of the Australian Defence Force made the powerful observation that “The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.”

You know, what you tolerate in your life will reflect its outcome. When you walk past the needy and the hurting, that’s a reflection of the state of your heart. That’s what Jesus taught.

And Jesus never did walk past injustice without making it right. He never walked past suffering without soothing it with compassion. He never walked past an empty heart without filling it.

Instead, Jesus came to live among us. Then he saved us through his sacrifice.

Remember: Jesus doesn’t walk past you.

Elizezer Gonzalez

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