Who Wants to Be a Fool?
Feb 22, 2018 1604
Radio Version:
Who Wants to Be a Fool?
What’s the worst name you’ve ever been called? Yeah, I’ve been called a few, and I reckon one of the worst is when you’re called a “fool.” Because a fool implies that you’re totally clueless.
That’s why it’s really odd that in the Bible, the apostle Paul calls himself a fool – a fool for Christ.
In the time of the New Testament, the fool was a stereotypical character in the theatre. People thought he was, like, the village idiot. However, while people laugh at the fool, he’s usually the only one who really knows what’s going on!
It’s a bit like that when you’re a follower of Jesus.
As a Christian, I don’t pretend to know everything. But I do think I know something, particularly about how it will all end up.
Some may call me a fool. But perhaps I’ll be the one who’ll be laughing in the end. But I’ll be laughing for joy.

While people laugh at the fool, he’s usually the only one who knows what’s going on.
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