Trust In God Is All You Need

Mar 1, 2020 1474

If you’ve chosen to trust in God, you’ll have all you need.

As a teenager, I went to a teen camp where I filled in a psychological survey that was meant to identify the key drivers in my life. Oddly enough, I had a great need for luxury.

I say “oddly” because the way my life turned out, let me tell you, I’ve had to survive without luxury. And making do without regular family holidays overseas, sports cars, and a big yacht has been pretty tough!

But I reckon I have all I need.

In the Bible, Abraham asks God,

Lord what are you going to give me?

And God replies by telling him to look at the stars and try to count them, and that’s how much God would bless him.

And Abraham trusted in God, and God counted it to his favour as righteousness.

The rest was a bonus.

Remember: If you’ve chosen to trust in God, you’ll have all you need.

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