The Right Way to Solve Your Problems

May 11, 2020 1147

He looked at the problem, he looked at the resources, and then he placed what he had in Jesus’ hands.

We all have problems! No one gets a free pass on this one! So, what’s the right way to solve your problems?

There’s this story in the Bible of how Jesus miraculously fed five thousand people. What happens is that Jesus asks his disciples for suggestions about how to feed all these people.

The first approach is to look at the problem. That’s what Philip does, and he concludes that the problem is too big.

Andrew, another disciple, looks at the available resources. All he can find is a boy with five loaves and two fish, and he concludes that the resources are insufficient.

But the little boy had the right idea. He looked at the problem, he looked at the resources, and then he placed what he had in Jesus’ hands. And that’s when the miracle happened! Remember: The right way to solve your problems is to look to Jesus, and to place all you have in his hands. 

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