Take a Risk

Jun 10, 2020 2504

If you want to win eternal life, you have to be willing to risk everything.

There’s the bystanders in life, and then there’s the people who take risks and make a difference. There was an amazing scene in the city of Paris in May 2018. A crowd of dismayed onlookers was looking up to where a four-year old boy was clinging for his life on the outside railing of a balcony, four storeys up.

Suddenly, a man came through the crowd. He was a Malian migrant, twenty-two year-old Mamoudou Gassama. Without hesitating, he jumped onto the first balcony and scaled up the building to rescue the child.

Jesus teaches us that the Gospel is risky business. If you want to win eternal life, you have to be willing to risk everything.

But the best kind of risk is when you know that you are perfectly safe. And you’re always safe with Jesus! Remember: So don’t be a bystander in life! Take a risk and follow Jesus.

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