New Churches Spread the Gospel in Remote Poor Villages
Feb 3, 2022 1417

In the last two years, Pr Jospeh in India has built five new churches and is currently working on building three more! This is what he says:
It is God who has been leading me and guiding me to build the churches. Where there is no church in the remote poor villages there we build the church. First we do Gospel evangelism in the villages and preach the Holy Gospel and save the souls in Christ. And then we start the church building. We have built five churches in the remote villages so far. According to the place and land we start building the churches.
In some villages believers freely donate the land to build the church. In some villages the believers are poor and unable to give the land to build the churches. So it is depending on the conditions of the people. For building the church we raise some funds in the villages and take personal loans in my name in the bank and build the churches.
After building the churches many people come to the churches and accept Jesus into their lives.
It is God who has been helping in various ways to do his work here on earth. In a simple way we build the church. After building the church many people come to the church and accept Jesus into their lives. The people who do not know about Jesus and the Hindus who never heard about Jesus come and accept Jesus into their lives. They read the Holy Bible to know more about Jesus. So the Holy Gospel has been reaching and saving souls in Christ.
It is merely through Gospel evangelism that we have been doing and can do this. And GNU has been helping for years with the Gospel Evangelism. Through the GNU TV Programme the Gospel is reaching many remote villages where people do not know about Jesus. I am so thankful to GNU for the support and encouragement all these years.
– Pr Joseph Usala
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