Despite Threat of Banishment, People Accept the Gospel
Jan 8, 2019 1439
In the village of Ponukumadu, India, we have conducted a two day Gospel meeting and 25 people were saved in Christ Jesus.
There is no proper road system to go to Ponukumadu. But with much difficultly we went two days at nighttime and preached the Holy Gospel. The first day only 10 people came for the meeting. But the next day 75 people came and sat to hear the Gospel Evangelism meeting.
Why did only 10 people come on the first day? Because there is a restriction and rule in that village that no one can go and attend Gospel meetings. Why? The elders of the people who are Hindus fixed this rule: If anyone comes to this village for Gospel meetings no one should go and attend and no one should listen or be allowed to go to the Gospel meeting.
The whole village people have been under the elders. The elders have been rooted in Hindus traditions and rituals and they do festivals every year. Much idol worship has been done in that village. So people have a lot of fear about the rules and regulations of the elders. If anyone disobeys or breaks the rules they will be fined, and if they violate the rules more times, they will be sent out from the village.
But God has done great things in the village
The first day we preached. And we gave more time for praying for the village and elders to open their strong minds and have soft hearts regarding their rules and regulations. So God the Holy Spirit touched some of the village people and after the Gospel meeting many people came and prayed.
We thought of stopping after the first day. But God has done great things in the village. So some people came and asked us to keep the Gospel meeting on the second day.
On the second day 75 people came and listened to the Holy Gospel and two women were healed. So people are so happy and they got courage in Christ Jesus by hearing the Word of God. The elders of the village did not say or speak a word. It is the Holy Gospel that touched their hearts and changed their minds. Many people requested us to come again and conduct more Gospel meetings. So thanks to Jesus for the great work that we were able to do in that village!
– Pr Joseph Usala
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